NZ Historic Weather Events Catalogue


ModerateFebruary 1866 Tasman-Nelson Flooding ( 1866-02-01 )

Heavy rainc caused the Waimea, Wairoa and Maitai Rivers to flood. Water entered houses in Nelson.


Heavy RainHeavy Rain at Nelson
Map Location: -41.268476 173.297338
Duration:   3  days - On the morning of the 1st, rain began to fall heavily with a south east wind. The continuous heavy rain still had not stopped on the 3rd. It was said to have been an easterly rainfall and broadscale flow was probably from north-north-east.

Physical CharacteristicNelson recorded 8 in (20.32 cm) over the day on the 1st.


CommentOn the evening of the 1st, The Brook and Maitai River, which run through Nelson, were flooded. On morning of the 2nd they had reached a height never seen before at that time.

DamageThe flood was unprecedented and much damage was done.

Affected LifelineThree bridges over the Brook Street stream were washed away and there was nothing remaining of the railway bridge except the iron rails.

Affected LifelineThree bridges were partially destroyed over the Matai River.

Property DamageThe destruction of private property was great. Three houses were washed away.

DamageGardens were flooded, fruit trees carried away, and hedges were torn away.

Damage CostOn Brook Street alone took £2000 ($198,550 2009 dollars) to fix the road which was carried away.

Affected LifelineSeveral bridges on Waimea Road sustained damage and one was washed away altogether.

Affected LifelineThe bridges at Stoke and Richmond were damaged.

Damage CostOne man lost his cultivated farm, garden and stockyard. The damage cost over £200 (19,850 2009 dollars).

DamageA large quantity of fencing was destroyed.

Physical CharacteristicIn some cottages water was a foot (0.30 m) deep.

ImpactIn the neighbourhood of Collingwood Bridge, the water overflowed the houses and the gardens there.

FloodingFlooding at The Brook
Map Location: -41.31009 173.29143

ImpactThe Brook caused much damage to the farmland around it. Good land, bridges and crops were destroyed. Some land had soil left a foot deep where the crops were not swept away.

FloodingFlooding at Waimea River
Map Location: -41.336776 173.119626

Stock DamageCattle and sheep were swept away.

Crop DamageThe greater portion of the crops of the season were destroyed.

FloodingFlooding at Wairoa River
Map Location: -41.453412 173.086914

Affected LifelineThe bridge over the Wairoa was destroyed.

Stock DamageCattle and sheep were swept away.

Crop DamageThe greater portion of the crops of the season were destroyed.


NZ Met Service. (2008). Meteorology of Extreme Rainfalls in New Zealand (Mark Pascoe, Ed.).
Headline: Disastrous Flood at Nelson. Source: Taranaki Herald, 10 February 1866, Page 1.
Headline: The late heavy rain - very serious destruction of property. Source: Taranaki Herald, 17 February 1866, Page 1.
Headline: Great Flood and Storm at Nelson.
The Marlborough Express, 15 February 1868.

ModerateFebruary 1866 Tasman-Nelson Flooding ( 1866-02-01 )

Heavy rainc caused the Waimea, Wairoa and Maitai Rivers to flood. Water entered houses in Nelson.


Heavy RainHeavy Rain at Nelson
Map Location: -41.268476 173.297338
Duration:   3  days - On the morning of the 1st, rain began to fall heavily with a south east wind. The continuous heavy rain still had not stopped on the 3rd. It was said to have been an easterly rainfall and broadscale flow was probably from north-north-east.

Physical CharacteristicNelson recorded 8 in (20.32 cm) over the day on the 1st.


CommentOn the evening of the 1st, The Brook and Maitai River, which run through Nelson, were flooded. On morning of the 2nd they had reached a height never seen before at that time.

DamageThe flood was unprecedented and much damage was done.

Affected LifelineThree bridges over the Brook Street stream were washed away and there was nothing remaining of the railway bridge except the iron rails.

Affected LifelineThree bridges were partially destroyed over the Matai River.

Property DamageThe destruction of private property was great. Three houses were washed away.

DamageGardens were flooded, fruit trees carried away, and hedges were torn away.

Damage CostOn Brook Street alone took £2000 ($198,550 2009 dollars) to fix the road which was carried away.

Affected LifelineSeveral bridges on Waimea Road sustained damage and one was washed away altogether.

Affected LifelineThe bridges at Stoke and Richmond were damaged.

Damage CostOne man lost his cultivated farm, garden and stockyard. The damage cost over £200 (19,850 2009 dollars).

DamageA large quantity of fencing was destroyed.

Physical CharacteristicIn some cottages water was a foot (0.30 m) deep.

ImpactIn the neighbourhood of Collingwood Bridge, the water overflowed the houses and the gardens there.

FloodingFlooding at The Brook
Map Location: -41.31009 173.29143

ImpactThe Brook caused much damage to the farmland around it. Good land, bridges and crops were destroyed. Some land had soil left a foot deep where the crops were not swept away.

FloodingFlooding at Waimea River
Map Location: -41.336776 173.119626

Stock DamageCattle and sheep were swept away.

Crop DamageThe greater portion of the crops of the season were destroyed.

FloodingFlooding at Wairoa River
Map Location: -41.453412 173.086914

Affected LifelineThe bridge over the Wairoa was destroyed.

Stock DamageCattle and sheep were swept away.

Crop DamageThe greater portion of the crops of the season were destroyed.


NZ Met Service. (2008). Meteorology of Extreme Rainfalls in New Zealand (Mark Pascoe, Ed.).
Headline: Disastrous Flood at Nelson. Source: Taranaki Herald, 10 February 1866, Page 1.
Headline: The late heavy rain - very serious destruction of property. Source: Taranaki Herald, 17 February 1866, Page 1.
Headline: Great Flood and Storm at Nelson.
The Marlborough Express, 15 February 1868.